Study on the Perception of Synthetic Faces

You are invited to participate in our study on the perception of synthetic faces. Here below, we give you some information about our study. By proceeding you will confirm that you are willing to participate in the study and consent to the collection and processing of the data you enter for the purpose of this research.

What is it all about?

Nowadays, technology allows us to create highly realistic images of faces that do not belong to real humans.
With this study, we want to assess people's ability to distinguish between real and synthetic face images when confronted with faces generated by cutting-edge technologies. Thus, in this study, we define real images to be pictures of existing people, while synthetic images are digital faces created using artificial intelligence techniques.

What does the study comprise?

The study is composed of three parts:
  • a short survey, in which we will ask you to fill in some demographic information that will be used to describe the composition of our sample;
  • a familiarization phase, in which you will get accustomed to the task and the type of images;
  • the actual experiment, in which you will be shown several images and will be asked if you agree or disagree with the sentence "This image is synthetic" for each image.
Completing this study should take no longer than 10 minutes of your time.

Who can participate?

All individuals who are at least 18 years old are welcome to participate.


We recommend completing the study on a computer or laptop and using the full-screen mode. The minimum screen size to take the test is 13". If your screen does not fulfil this requirement you will not be able to proceed. Even if your screen fulfills this requirement, your settings of font size or resolution might prevent you from taking part in the experiment. Please note that changes to screen window size or font after this page will cause the experiment to end and you being redirected to an error page. You might also incur a similar behaviour if you try to use browser actions (e.g. "refresh", "go back", etc.).
Moreover, if you need optical correction, such as eye glasses, please make sure to wear them during the experiment.


Your participation in this study is voluntary. Your responses are anonymous and they will be analyzed and reported in aggregated form. You may refuse to participate or withdraw from the study at any time without penalty. In the latter case all the data that you inserted will be removed from our server.


This study is conducted by the MMLab (University of Trento - Italy) in collaboration with the GoffauxLab (Catholic University of Louvain - Belgium) and the Security & Privacy Lab (University of Innsbruck - Austria). The scientific core team includes Federica Lago, Giulia Boato and Cecilia Pasquini from the University of Trento, Valérie Goffaux and Hélène Dumont from the Université Catholique de Louvain, and Rainer Böhme from the University of Innsbruck. In case you have any questions or comments, please contact us via .